8 - Ascending : Stevens & Pound Duo

@ Stromness Town Hall

8 Ticket £24. Concession £22 (schoolchildren, full time students and registered unemployed).

8 - Ascending : Stevens & Pound Duo

June 21, 2025 at 9:15pm. Duration: 75 MINUTES

Stromness Town Hall, 2, 10 Church Rd, Stromness KW16 3BA

Delia Stevens                    Percussion

Will Pound                         Melodeon and harmonica

Book all four Duo Series events (Events 8, 10, 13, and 25) to receive a 15% discount, automatically applied at checkout.

Stevens & Pound present Ascending - a cross-genre concert full of original compositions and reimaginations following the creative evolution of classical composers who were inspired by the English Folk Revival. The duo pay homage to their respective musical backgrounds whilst letting imaginations run riot into an imagined future.

Including folk recompositions of iconic works such as Vaughan Williams' The Lark Ascending, Holst's The Planets and the BBC Last Night of the Proms favourite The Sailor's Hornpipe, Stevens & Pound weave together the lilting fluidity of the folk idiom with the high-resolution complexity of classical composition, to create a maverick sonic world that completely defies expectation.

Steven & Pound Logo_Orange.jpg

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