18 - A Blue True Dream of Sky : Echo

@ St Magnus Cathedral

18 Ticket £25, £22, £15. Concession £23, £20 (schoolchildren, full time students, registered unemployed).

18 - A Blue True Dream of Sky : Echo

June 23, 2025 at 7:00pm. Duration: 60 MINUTES

St Magnus Cathedral, Broad Street, Kirkwall KW15 1DH


Sarah Latto                               Conductor


Samuel Coleridge Taylor       The Sea Shell

Judith Weir                               A Blue True Dream of Sky

Kenneth Leighton                  God’s Grandeur  

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - I Vaghi Fiori

Shrunk Rajesekar                    Ganga’s Peace

Philip Glass                               Three Songs for Mixed Choir a Capella

     1. Pierre de Soleil

     2. There Are Some Men

     3. Quand Les Hommes Vivront D’amour

Rory Wainwright Johnson    Summoning Dance

Anon                                           Improvisation On Why Did You Separate Me From The Earth?



Echo Ensemble has quickly become one of the celebrated new ensembles in the world of choral music and the group’s first album Innocence has been nominated as Best Newcomers in the BBC Music Magazine Awards.  They have been ensemble in residence at Ryedale Festival, with the LPO and have specialised in collaborative work with other artforms from visual art to dance.  Here they present an eclectic selection of music about the earth and sky ranging from the renaissance to contemporary improvisation.

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