21 - Wild Loch Mountain : Prismatic Winds

@ St Magnus Cathedral

21 Ticket £23, £20, £12. Concession £21, £18 (schoolchildren, full time students, registered unemployed).

21 - Wild Loch Mountain : Prismatic Winds

June 24, 2025 at 1:00pm. Duration: 70 MINUTES

St Magnus Cathedral, Broad Street, Kirkwall KW15 1DH

Leila Marshall                       Flute

Irena Klimach                      Oboe

Matthew Jansen Giraldo  Clarinet

Robert Newth                      Horn

Emma Simpson                  Bassoon


Malcolm Arnold                  Three Shanties

Felix Mendelssohn             The Hebrides

Frank Sinatra                       You Make Me Feel So Young

Robert Newth                     Wild Loch Mountain Lomond Thyme

Grazyna Bacewicz              Kwintet (1st movement)

George Gershwin               Summertime

Robert Newth                     Scottish Fantasy

Here we have a selection of music which is firmly rooted in Scotland but which visits Poland and American jazz on its travels.    Notable in the midst of some familiar music and tunes is the Kwintet by the Polish composer Bacewicz.  Until recently her name was not so familiar but there is a large body of very fine music.  The ensemble’s own horn player has put pen to paper to create two works which feature some well known tunes.  Prismatic Winds is made up of players who are recent graduates of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

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